Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Submarine Movie

I think that it is about time that I write a post about movies! A favourite I've watched this year has been Submarine directed by Richard Ayoade and starring Craig Roberts. Like many people, I went to see the movie because Alex Turner, of Arctic Monkeys fame, wrote the soundtrack (which is amazing, especially lyrically!), but I fell in love with the quirky characters, and great coming of age story line- a more unique take on a teenage boy's first romance and the other troubles they can encounter! I love the unusual and kooky take on everyday issues in this film!

So, here is a trailer featuring the song 'Piledriver Waltz' by Alex Turner:

And here is one of the official trailers:

I know this is kind of a random time to be posting this- but I'm hoping it will come out on DVD in Australia soon! (unless it already is...)

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Topshop in Melbourne

I am pretty keen for the arrival of Topshop to Melbourne! Hopefully I will get there down there to take a peek soon... or it spreads all over Australia, namely Adelaide!
Have you gone to check it out? Does it live up to it's long lived hype?
Meanwhile, I will have to keep my fix by using their website, (where I found these images).

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Courtney Brims

Another of my favourite illustrators is Courtney Brims. Her work is so delicate and pretty, but also quite sinister. I think this portrays the feel of fairy tales really well, they are childrens tales that we are familiar with and know as being happy and entertaining, but they have been adapted to suit our modern day society, and they were often quite dark originally. I can relate to her work really well because I too, am inspired by fairytales and stories.
For more of her work, check out her website,, where all of these images came from, or her blog,
Are you inspired by any stories, myths, legends or fairytales?

A Unique Take on Harry Potter

It is no secret that I am obsessed with Harry Potter and when I stumbled across these I was so excited! They are such a quirky and witty way to portray Harry Potter, and they even look like they belong in the Hogwarts library!
They are created by the talented Amy Sly, where more of her work, including these images, can be found here
My favourite would have to be the '7 Habits of Highly Submissive House Elves by Dobby'. But I could be biased because I love Dobby (who doesn't?!) Which is your favourite?

Tuesday, 6 December 2011

Simon Filip Photography

How beautiful is this photography by Simon Filip?!
Doesn't it just make you want to put on a super cute outfit and wonder through the woods having picnics and tea parties (or, well, wondering through the bush if, like me, you're from Australia)?
Check out more of his stunning photographs here,, and all of these images come from there too.

The Kooks- 'Is It Me'

The Kook's latest album 'Junk of the Heart' is on constant replay on my iPod at the moment- it has a great happy feel to it.
Anyways, here is the clip to their single 'Is It Me'. I love the cute, quirkiness of the pastel colours combined with the typewriter.

Bec Winnel

It only makes sense to me to make my first, non-introductory blog post feature the amazingly talented Bec Winnel. I was very lucky to get work experience with the graphic design firm she works for in Melbourne in year 11 (by 'lucky', I mean that they were the first of the 50 places I called who actually took high school students). After looking up her work I was in awe- they are so detailed and beautiful!- and immediately inspired to seriously consider illustration as a career choice. Every time I see a new work of hers I am always stunned about how sensational it is!

Do you have any favourite artists who have inspired you to create?

All images are from her website,

Monday, 5 December 2011


Welcome to my blog! I will try not to sound like a broken record for my first post, but I'm afraid it will probably be unavoidable. Sorry.
My blog will hopefully be some kind of scrapbook of things that inspire and interest me- art, design, music, movies, fashion, just a bit of everything really.
I hope you enjoy it!